Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Building a Motivation

as a student who is always undergoing routine on campus, we must have experienced boredom in learning. therefore, we must be smart in building motivation in ourselves so that we always passion to achieve our goals in life. here I'll give a few tips for building motivation, you should read this:

create a sensation

create something that can "wake up" and arouse you at daybreak. for example, you think tomorrow should get a perfect IP. because these sensations can stimulate your spirit to work better than what you have done yesterday.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Hi RMLT Assigment :3

cold night in solo.
i had just arrived at my beloved boarding house, cold due to rain along the way.i
do all just for a RMLT task that will be collected tomorrow hikss.. unfortunately i did not prepare anything for this task! i haven't selected an article that will i analysis. and i have not done anything except i blow up in this blog hehe

but what I'm doing now is not a futile activity. because now I'm also doing my duty in ict assignment to blow up this blog at least once a week.and maybe after this I then logged on my facebook account and start online with my friends there and slowly started to forget my duty rmlt haha 

then the next day with a forced and hasty I would complete the rmlt assignment. I prefer to learn and do the task in the morning, then my brain is going to be invited to think. and for the evenings, I usually spend on dance training because soon I will join the competition, hehe wish me luck guys!

like I said before after I blow up in this blog then I'll log out and started to log in facebook hehe
bye guys, have a nice day! :3